Sleep and Recovery: Why Rest is the Most Neglected Type of Training for Soccer Players

Between the pressure of competing at the highest level and the stress of balancing sports and school, young athletes have plenty of reasons to struggle with sleep. And unfortunately, many of them do.


Numerous studies have shown that young athletes are highly prone to sleep troubles and often do not meet the recommended sleep duration of 8-10 hours per night. Inadequate sleep can not only hinder an athlete’s performance, but also significantly increase their risk of injury and all sorts of health issues.


It’s important for athletes to understand why sleep is so vital for their success so they can improve their sleep hygiene and keep their bodies in prime shape.


Why Do Players Need Sleep? 

Sleep helps your muscles recover after a tough workout so they are ready for use once again the following day. When you enter a stage of deep sleep, your body goes through a series of hormonal changes, including the reduction of the stress hormone, cortisol. Cortisol breaks down tissues in the body for energy, which is the opposite of what needs to happen to build muscle. So, the reduction of cortisol allows other hormones to rebuild injured tissue more effectively.


When your deep sleep is disrupted, on the other hand, your muscle growth is delayed because your body is releasing lower levels of growth hormones. This means you’ll see less physical improvements from your training than you would if you received the normal amount of sleep. In other words, you can train as hard as you want, but if you don’t get enough sleep, it will take you longer to get in the kind of shape you want to be in.


Sleep is also vital for the functionality of the brain, specifically its ability to adapt to new information. Any teenager knows that when you don’t get enough sleep, it’s harder to process what you learn throughout the day and remember this information in the future.


Lastly, sleep reduces stress and improves mood, both of which are crucial for staying focused and relaxed during training and competition.


How to Get More Sleep

Getting more sleep becomes much easier when you think of it as part of your training regimen. After all, an elite athlete takes care of their health during the day and into the night as well.


For instance, training sessions begin at a certain time each day, right? Sleep should be the same way. No, you can’t just force yourself to start sleeping, but you can begin a routine that prepares your mind and body for sleep. The first step in establishing a sleep routine is deciding when it will start. Consistency is key for good sleep hygiene. The human body also prefers routine, and starting your sleep routine at the same time every night will help regulate your body’s natural sleep patterns.


Your sleep routine could begin by making your room dark, quiet, and cool, essentially setting the mood for sleep. Many people like to read before bed or write in a journal. Both of these activities can put the mind at rest. For those with particularly anxious minds, you may consider exploring the myriad free apps or YouTube channels that play a variety of sounds to help you sleep through the night.


Making Sure Your Athlete Is Well-Rested

Athletes who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to burn out and forget why they train so hard in the first place. At Beyond Goals Mentoring, we teach high performing athletes how to maintain a healthy relationship with their sport so that it doesn’t inhibit their health or personal life. Young athletes often don’t realize that all of their efforts are meaningless if they don’t love what they’re doing.


If your athlete is under excessive stress, let’s set up a mentoring session and figure out how they can get plenty of joy and fulfillment out of their sport while competing at the highest levels.


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